California State University, San Bernardino (hereinafter “CSUSB”) offers faculty members and academic administrators with retreat rights (hereinafter “Users”), the ability to create individual research and teaching-focused websites (hereinafter “faculty websites”) within the limits of available resources. Access to the CSUSB shared web server resource is a privilege and the availability of these faculty websites is a service meant to support the Users in their scholarly and intellectual endeavors.  This service is provided with an expectation of responsible and reasonable use. Users who create faculty websites must follow all California State University, San Bernardino and California State University policies, as well as all applicable local, state, and federal laws.  Users who take advantage of this service must read and agree to the below terms, including any future amendments thereto. 


Faculty websites represent the views and opinions of their authors only. CSUSB is not responsible for the views and opinions expressed on the faculty websites. CSUSB may require this disclaimer to appear on faculty websites.

CSUSB does not review, approve, or endorse any part of the content of the faculty websites, including, but not limited to links to other websites, and personal opinions and expressions of Users.  Furthermore, CSUSB does not guarantee the truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content on the faculty websites.  CSUSB may require this disclaimer to appear on faculty websites.

If and when a User utilizes their faculty website for commercial purposes, their account may be suspended, and appropriate disciplinary action may be taken.

While CSUSB does not routinely monitor content posted by Users, CSUSB reserves the right to remove any and all content that violates the law or the Terms identified herein, but CSUSB is under no obligation to do so. Moreover, all websites sponsored by CSUSB are subject to automated accessibility and security scans.

Principles of Proper Use

The specific principles and guidelines applicable to the proper use of faculty websites include, but are not limited to the following:

  • An authorized User is a member of the CSUSB faculty community or an academic administrator with retreat rights, whose Coyote ID has been approved for the purpose of creating and maintaining a faculty website. The Coyote ID and password combination is the User’s identity and license to access and use the CSUSB web server space, for which the User is specifically authorized.
  • Users agree that they will not use the faculty websites for business or commercial activities, fundraising activities, or advertising for entities not related to CSUSB. 
  • Users agree that they will not use the faculty websites to receive assignments or homework from students. 
  • Users are solely responsible for website design.
  • Users acknowledge and accept that they do not have permission to use the University marks, except where provided by the University on the template of the faculty websites.
  • Users are solely responsible for maintaining the relevancy and accuracy of the information published on their faculty website.
  • Users agree to abide by privacy laws, including, but not limited to, any laws concerning the right to publish another individual’s contact information or photograph on a faculty website.
  • Users agree to comply with all applicable state and federal website accessibility requirements.  Users acknowledge that CSUSB may suspend or deactivate websites that are non-compliant.  However, each user is solely responsible to insure that the user’s website is compliant. Users agree to adhere to legal and ethical standards governing copyright and intellectual property. Users are solely responsible for compliance with copyright and intellectual property laws, and agree that they will not knowingly violate applicable copyright and intellectual property laws.


Users agree that they will defend, indemnify and hold harmless CSUSB, its subsidiaries, affiliates, and employees for any and all claims resulting from and related to the content on their faculty websites, including any liability and expense related to or arising from claims, litigation costs, attorneys’ fees, and actual and consequential damages or losses. 

Termination or Suspension

CSUSB retains the right to amend these Terms and conditions, and to suspend or terminate any or all part of the services related to faculty websites.  CSUSB, at its sole discretion, may suspend or terminate a User’s account at any time and for any lawful reason.   In the event of termination, the User’s access to the account will be disabled and any content on the faculty website may be deleted or retained in the system.

Related Policies and Guidelines

Acceptable Use Policy for Electronic Communications

U.S. Copyright Office

Information Technology Accessibility Policy